
Last days of Intersect 21

Last days of Intersect 21… This exhibition has trully been a great experience and I am quite sad knowing that it will end soon.

Intersect 21 is an interesting digital trip, a mixture or cultures, different places of the world and artistic approaches. It is also a highly curated platform for cultural exchange. The project highlights a selection of galleries from the MENA region and from Southern California.  It examines the similarities and differences in the contemporary art, design, and photography fields in California, the Middle East, and North Africa through daily programming. You can see the exhibition’s video here.

I am very happy to be taking part with Al-tiba 9 Gallery, curated by Mohamed Benhadj with the Algerian Booth (what? Greece was not taking part in it!). The selection of artworks is absolutely breathtaking and there are some pieces of art that, honestly, I would die to have in my living room.

Two artworks were selected to be shown of my new series, “Fragments”, the Fragment II and Fragment III. I think there were not many realistic or portrait artworks in the exhibition.  I have to say that at the beginning I felt like a sore thumb… But I always feel that way when participating in an contemporary exhibition. Somehow I find out that my art is always out of place, following a path that doesn’t seem to belong anywhere (At least, I hope it leads somewhere someday…)

If you are interested in visiting the exhibition these last few days, you can join via Artsy or the exhibition’s site.

And while visiting, please don’t forget to follow me, it will be extremely appreciated!


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